Me fail English? That unpossible! — Ralph Wiggum

English is a funny language; that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Like many of my other classmates, the end of the book shocked and surprised me.  However, one very strong emotion overwhelmed these others and overtook my entire body.  The feeling of fear.  As soon as I read, "'He cut his throat,'"  I gasped and started to panic.  I had to stop reading and take a deep breath.  Then, I continued to read and came upon, "heavy red fingers out of the white flesh of her throat," and this only caused me to panic and distress me even more.  The reason I felt so distressed and panicked at these moments is because I believe I have aphenphosmphobia (the fear of being touched) on the front neck/throat area.  I cannot have anything like clothing, or anyone touch my it or else I flip out.  If I have to wear a turtleneck or under armor that touches that area, I am so uncomfortable and constantly have to pull the shirt down off my neck.  For example, when the girls soccer team wear jerseys to school that have collars that touch this throat area, often times I will wear a sweatshirt instead and pretend I am wearing the jersey underneath.  I cannot stand being that uncomfortable throughout the entire school day.  Also, if someone grabs or even just touches my neck, I scream and freak out.  When my friends want to bother me or annoy me, they go straight to touching my neck, and I spazz.  I have no idea why I am like this, but these parts of the book just further emphasized my fear.  Of course this fear is not diagnosed, but I think it is real.  And any of my friends can back me up and say that I truly do become very upset, scared, and distressed when things or people touch my neck. I wish, but highly doubt that I will grow out of this, but hopefully, the fear will become less severe as I grow older.

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