So today I wanted to get my blog done early so I could be done with high school work forever. I go to log on and blogger is down. What now? I start getting excited! No blog? That’d be amazing. I start texting around to make sure everyone’s blogger is down and it’s not just something weird with my computer. It’s not. Mary Beth confirms. Alex says he’s too cool to do blogs that early, but if both Mary Beth and I are having problems, I think there is an issue. We decide to e-mail Ms. Serensky. We’re thinking, there’s no way she can make us do a blog now! We finished school today, tomorrow’s spring fest, and we have no blog due tonight! But really, how could I have been so stupid and naïve? Of course we get an e-mail “if it isn't back up, the due date will be Friday by midnight.” Really? That’s upsetting... simultaneous disappointment at it’s finest. But really, how could I have thought Ms. Serensky was just going to e-mail something back like “Hey! That’s alright, we’re done with school…forget about blogging!” When I think of her actual e-mail, I cannot help but to think of my sister’s English class’ t-shirts…”You’re not done yet!” And don’t forget the huge face of Ms. Serensky on it as well. And this is true. The night before spring fest and I am still doing high school work. Every other senior at Chagrin- and probably every school in Ohio/the US- is done with schoolwork. Except us. In my last blog I talked about how I have a love hate relationship with AP English. I think this is a pretty good example of the hate part. But, it makes me wonder, will we ever really be done with AP English? I feel like this isn’t the end. I think while we are reading our summer reading books for college, we’ll be enjoying our books, but of course we will be actively reading and annotating in fear that Ms. Serensky will somehow sense it if we are not and will hunt us down. And, during essays in college, I feel like I will hear Ms. Serensky saying, “push the analysis!” “keep working!” and “five minutes left.” My point is, English has had a lasting effect on all of us and this class will be hard to forget.
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