Me fail English? That unpossible! — Ralph Wiggum

English is a funny language; that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Men Better than Women? FALSE.

Recently, Alex Kreger pretty much blogged about how men are better than women.  As we all know, this is clearly a fallacy.  I know his blog made all the girls angry (which is the majority of the AP English 12 students), so I decided that since he's my boyfriend, I will take on the job of proving him wrong. 

  • A recent study revealed that women are getting better looking through evolution while men are staying the same.  Thus, women are adapting better to their environment and improving for the better.
  • Contrary to the myth that men are better drivers, in a recent study, this was proven false.  In a study at Carnegie Mellon University, they discovered that men are 77% more likely to die in a car accident than women. Women are most likely not necessarily better drivers, but they are safer drivers- they think more clearly and aren't as aggressive as men on the road.
  • Women cope with stress better.  Women seek contact: 53% of women talk to their friends about what's bothering them and stressing them out as opposed to 29% of men.  Instead of talking, men usually use the "fight or flight" approach.
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80% of those who have lost their jobs since December 2007 have been men. Ooooh...look who's taking over the work force now.
  • The Department of Education's statistics reveal that men are less likely than women to graduate and get their bachelor's degrees.  Men are also more likely to take longer than five years to complete their degree. 
  • Women have stronger immune systems.  This stronger immune system can be attributed to estrogen.  Estrogen confronts an enzyme in the body that often hinders the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.  
  • Of those who are 100 years or older, 85% are women.  Additionally, statistically, women live five to 10 years longer than men.
  • Women are generally better bosses or managers.  Management expert Jay Forte says "It's a very service-oriented economy [right now], so you need employees to be motivated. Women are better connectors than men and more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees."
  • Women invest their money more wisely.  A study of 100,000 portfolios showed that a woman's investment return outperforms a man's- 18 to 11 percent.  This is most likely because women are more cautious with their decisions and think more long term.
  • Women cooperate better. In a recent study, where men and women both played games, women cooperated with others almost twice as much as men did.
  • Women eat more healthy than men.  Throughout multiple studies, men are more likely to reach for pizza and meat, while women are prone to reach for fruits and vegetables.
  • Women perform better than men in timed tests.  In a study by Vanderbilt University, researchers found that women score higher in timed intelligence tests than men.  The study also found that there was almost no difference in un-timed tests, which means women have quicker minds.  
  • Women perceive relationships better.  After surveying 97 couples, the women were more perceptive than the men in describing their relationships and more accurate in describing the perception of their male partners.
  • Women are better communicators.  A neuro-pyschiatrist at the University of California found that women can process 20,000 words a day versus men's 7,000 words.
  • Women are better "encouragers" than men.  Women aren't concerned with competing with others as much as men.  They can applaud accomplishments of other people... we do not have big egos.
  • A woman is better than a man at nurturing her family.  A women is physically and emotionally connected to her child for nine months before the child is even born.  This connection creates a bond between mother and child, that the father has no way of having. 
  • Women maintain a better balance in life.  Women contain a higher level of serotonin which soothes emotions.
  • In a recent MyBusters, they tested who could handle pain better - men or women.  Women won, obviously (men are babies).  Men and women both had to hold their hand in a bowl of one degree ice water longer, women stayed in the freezing cold water longer.
As you can see, men are not superior to women, and thus, Alex Kreger, you are wrong.  The fact that women are in charge in the book is not a rarity, we're always in charge- you just don't know it.  We make you think you're in power (because you have big egos), but in reality, we always have control over you.


  1. Just to clear things up, I never said that men are better than women (I personally believe in equality). I merely stated a series of facts and let the reader come to their own conclusions concerning the subject at hand. And it was intended to be somewhat humorous. Your post, Jillian, is very good - I was impressed with the amount of research you did. However, you make the mistake of saying that women are better than men - this cannot be proven, and frankly does not even pertain to my post, as I never went so far as to claim that men are superior overall to women. Altogether though, I enjoyed this post - I find the ways in which men and women differ to be quite fascinating.

  2. This is awkward...but beside that let's be honest, men and women differ considerably in strengths and weaknesses. I find it ignorant to say that one gender is better than the other because without one, humanity itself would cease to exist. I do find it humorous though that you two would go to such lengths to try to prove the superiority of one gender over the other (come on Alex, we all know what "conclusions" the reader was supposed to come away with). In the end I think you both succeeded in creating a humorous but very ignorant argument.

  3. Jillian,
    I was waiting for someone to address the absurd statements made by Alex in his blog last week, so good work getting that done. Your blog entry was fantastic, especially the intense amount of statistics and reasons which support your statement that women are better. I laughed so hard at your side comments, namely “men are babies”, and thought overall your blog was quite informative.

  4. Jill,
    Gotta say, I'm very offended. I always pegged you as an equality-minded, not vindictive, asian girl. Now I'm not sure if any of those things are true! I do applaud the research that went into this blog however, you really went out of your way to make men feel bad...congrats.

  5. Jillian, I am so glad you took it upon yourself to stand up for women, way to go! I especially liked that you used a whopping 18 bulletpoints to outline how women are better than men, whereas your boyfriend used an embarrassing 14. I think you made it clear who really wins in the battle of the sexes.
